Black Phoebe offers the starting blocks for the following features:
Run multiple websites from a single Rails application
Each site could run as a single-tenant or multi-tenant
User authentication with Devise and Devise-security
Access control with Pundit
Rails routing ready for Internationalization (I18n)
Background jobs with ActiveJob and Que
Postgress database backend
Content management with built-in tools, including in-page editing
Protection of personal data and PII through encryption and filtering
Configuration of privacy notices, terms &conditions, disclaimers, etc
Configuration of visitor banners and tracking of visitor choices
Black Phoebe also comes with basic built-in features to get you started with various common website functionality, so you don’t have to worry about purchasing, configuring, learning and monitoring various third-party tools related to:
bugs and exceptions
website performance
page visits
feature flags
What do you need to get started:
a license to use this startup app and to get you access to the repository
a hosting platform, such as Amazon AWS or Render
cloud hosting of files, such as S3
an email account with smtp access
your website domain(s)
The practical steps to get off the ground are:
fork/clone the repo
configure/run/test things locally
configure hosting
point the domain to the hosting site
configure each site
configure features
add content
And then use a typical development cycle to develop, test and deploy new features.